Three marketing trends that can make you or break you this year

This is the time of the year when many businesses start implementing their fresh marketing strategies. At We the Content, we have been talking to many business owners and professionals about the challenges they faced in 2014 and their aspirations for the months to come. We have also evaluated the latest industry trends and looked at various marketing stats from recent client activities. Following, we have compiled the most salient trends which can make or break your upcoming marketing efforts:

1. Less noise, more substance

If you feel you suffer from information overload, you are not alone. We are constantly being bombarded with Facebook posts, tweets, blog posts, videos, pictures, and e-newsletters (both from sources who acquired our information legitimately and those whose list building techniques are dubious). The result? A lot of noise. Businesses and organizations that are to succeed are those who will provide value to their audiences and not those who just share content for the sake of pleasing cat lovers across platforms. In other words, high-quality content will win.

 2. More streamlining

A by-product of the age of information overload, businesses have overextended their teams and their time for the sake of producing large amounts of content (not always of value), engaged in multiple marketing efforts concurrently and, in some cases, acted rather impulsively in a quest to keep up with the Joneses. We see this shifting this year, with many businesses focusing only on those platforms and strategies that make sense for them. Gone is the self-imposed need to be everywhere and do everything regardless of the cost, which is not only financial.

3. Online advertising will continue to increase

According to a study by InboundNow, “Internet advertising is predicted to rise by 10% and mobile ads are also expected to grow by a smashing 48% in 2015.” We have been seeing this growing trend for a while (especially on Facebook, where online spend has become almost a rule of thumb). However, this is expected to grow even more as competition for attention becomes fierce and marketers are able to zoom in and hyper-target their audience.

So, what should you do? Constantly track your efforts and pivot when necessary. Strategy does not have to be stagnant but in constant evolution.

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